
This class is virtual!

This class fulfills the current 9-hour requirement for a Level B (Career Foster Parent) licensure.  You must attend all 9 hours to receive credit.  Level A training is a prerequisite.  This training covers crisis intervention; behavior management; suicide management; medication management; and family orientation.   If you are interested in taking this course, you will need to have your licensing worker register you.  


Family Training Specialist

Taryn Meek

Taryn is a Family Training Specialist at FosterAdopt Connect. She has a training, and education background. She has over 5 years of experience within the foster care community. Her and her husband are currently licensed foster parents, and are adoptive parents.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Zoom Link

  2. 2
    • Level B Resource Provider Training Guide (updated 12-2016)

    • YEN Resource Parent Handbook 8-2021

  3. 3
    • Survey