
This training will discuss the importance of sibling bonds, and relationships. We will discuss ways to protect, and nurture sibling relationships within your home, biological families, or across multiple homes when siblings were not able to be placed together.  This is a required course the second year of foster care licensure.  This course is worth 7 hours.


Family Training Specialist

Janice Byrd

Janice is a Family Training Specialist at FosterAdopt Connect. She has a bachelor’s degree in social work. Janice has over twenty-five years’ experience in the child welfare field, working with both foster/adoptive and birth parents. She and her husband were licensed foster parents for twelve years and are adoptive parents. Janice has provided numerous trainings for foster and adoptive parents.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Zoom Link

  2. 2
    • Handouts

  3. 3
    • Survey