
Join us as we learn about the critical tasks and skills required to engage, increase commitment and positive connection, and develop a supportive healing relationship between foster caregivers and the youth in their homes.  Youth have their own work to do in growth and healing; your role as a foster parent is to consistently create the environment for them to feel safe enough to do their work. We will share ideas on how to create that safe environment and become a more intentional parent.

This self-paced class was designed to be completed at your own pace.  It includes a recorded webinar, handouts, quiz and survey.  You will need to pass the quiz with 80% or better to earn a certificate. Upon completion of this course, you will earn 1 hour of training credit.


Family Training Specialist

Taryn Meek

Taryn is a Family Training Specialist at FosterAdopt Connect. She has a training, and education background. She has over 5 years of experience within the foster care community. Her and her husband are currently licensed foster parents, and are adoptive parents.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Course Instructions

  2. 2
    • Recorded Webinar

  3. 3
    • Parenting Connection Monthly Check-In

    • Family Connection Monthly Check-In

    • BRAVE Resource

  4. 4
    • Quiz

  5. 5
    • Survey