
This is a Self-Paced Course!

This theme provides an overview of some of the emotional needs of children who have been sexually abused. The theme highlights some of the unique challenges in parenting children who have experienced this type of abuse and safety measures to put in place to ensure all children in the home are safe. The theme also provides information on seeking effective therapy for children who have been sexually abused to minimize risk of re-victimization, minimize risk of children re-enacting abuse on other children and maximize healthy sexual development.

This self-paced class was designed to be completed at your own pace.  It includes a recorded webinar, podcast, required reading, quiz and survey.  You will need to pass the quiz with 80% or better to earn a certificate. Upon completion of this course, you will earn 1 hour of training credit.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Video and Resources

    • Sexual Trauma Quiz

    • Survey